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Useful Contact Numbers in Renfrewshire

RCA (Renfrew Council on Alcohol)

0141 887 0880


RDS (Renfrew Drugs Services)

0300 300 1199


Braehead Surgery (Doctors)

Dr Murphy

Dr Robert Anderson

Dr Macmillan

0141 207 7480


Clydeview Surgery (Doctors)

Dr Alison Ramage

Dr Sarah Davidson

Dr Judith Anderson

Dr Ziab Al-Najim

Dr Paul Climie

0141 207 7730


Kingsinch Surgery (Doctors)

Dr Lyons

Dr Sutherland

Dr Coyle

0141 207 7700


Social Work

0300 300 1199


Renfrewshire Learning Disabilities Service

0300 300 1199


The Scottish Welfare Fund

0141 276 1177


Social work services

0300 300 1199

Evenings and weekends:



Renfrewshire smoke free services

01505 821 316


Barnardos threads

0141 884 6696


Advice Works

0300 300 1238


Renfrewshire wide credit union

0141 889 7442


Renfrewshire women’s aid

0141 561 7030


Renfrewshire council women and children first

0300 300 0345


Lennox partnership

0141 842 4350


Deposit Guarantee scheme

0300 300 0222


We started out in 2004 offering a small number of training courses to clients and over the years we have seen this grow substantially. We offer a wide range of training from basic level all the way through to train the trainer level. We offer both accredited and non accredited training courses to meet the needs of our customers with a clear focus on “Excellent Quality Outstanding Value” being our aim.

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